Student Opportunities » Work-Based Learning

Work-Based Learning

WORK-BASED LEARNING (CTC STUDENTS ONLY) 0.5 credits for 120 hours
Grades 11 and 12

Work-based learning (WBL) opportunities apply academic, technical, and employability skills in a work setting. Support is provided by school, classroom and workplace mentors. Students will have a set schedule that mirrors a job which may be semester-long or year-long. WBL opportunities are typically paid opportunities. WBL can be performed during or after school or both. Paperwork and assistance can be found in found in Career Services in the Career and Technical Center. WBL for CTC students requires the completion of the first year of a program along with a program teacher’s recommendation.

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If interested in participating in our Work-Based Learning please see the CTE Liaison/Work-Based Learning Coordinator in the CTC office.